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Understanding IVF Success Rates


One of the most important - clinic success rates.  When comparing clinics' success rates, it is essential to make sure you understand data presented and that your own fertility history is taken into account when evaluating statistics.



  • length of infertility
  • fertility treatment history
  • if a woman has had a baby previously
  • ovarian reserve
  • the number of eggs retrieved
  • the stage of the embryo transferred
  • whether embryos are transferred in a stimulated or unstimulated cycle
  • the quality and number of embryos retrieved in one cycle and the number of embryos transferred

Understanding the terminology

Clinical pregnancy

A foetal heartbeat detected at usually 6-7 weeks within the gestational sac (a fluid filled sac containing the embryo). The success rate is the percentage of clinical pregnancies from number of cycles (initiated, aspirated or embryo transfer cycles).

Chemical pregnancy

The hormone indicators of an early pregnancy have been detected. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin-HCG - is secreted by the placental cells of the embryo. As their number increases, so does the level of HCG. Measuring this hormone level is an indicator of the health of the pregnancy as the level should double every 48 hours in early pregnancy. The chemical success rate is the percentage of pregnancies per number of cycles (either initiated, aspirated or embryo transfer cycles).

Live birth rate

The percentage of live babies births per number of cycles. This rate is usually much lower than the clinical pregnancy rate as unfortunately some pregnancies result in miscarriage.

Cumulative pregnancy rate

Some clinics list a cumulative pregnancy rate. This is a fresh cycle followed by one or more frozen cycles with the surplus embryos if available. It will be higher than a pregnancy rate achieved just with a fresh cycle. 

What to look at when it comes to IVF success rates

Understanding IVF success rates is complex and individual factors affect every patient's prospects of success. The best way is to look at following and ask the questions bellow when you narrowed your list.

How many IVF cycles clinic performes each year

This number should reflect experience and scientific and innovation approach. The more embryo transfers the more skilled. Higher number of IVF cycles a year shall be a sign that the procedures are routine and medical staff is experienced at the process.

Comparisons between the treatment procedures

Mainly it is comparison between fresh or frozen cycle and own or donor cells. Couples need to evaluate relevant clinic success rates for their required type of treatment.

Success rates for women in differant age groups

Age matters when it comet to fertility treatment. Couple should focus on clinics that have the highest success rates for women in the same age group. Note that older women using donor eggs will have higher embryo transfer and live birth rates than those who use their own eggs. 

Live births per treatment cycle

This figure is the percentage of live births that result from a fresh embryo transfer in the one treatment cycle. If this figure is 20%, it means that of all the women who start hormone stimulation, one in five will have a baby. This method of reporting has some limitations as it does not account for babies born following the transfer of frozen embryos.

Pregnancies per embryo transfer

This category generates the highest percentage figure as it does not count women who did not respond to the hormone stimulation; those with no eggs retrieved; and those who do not have an embryo transfer. This figure also includes women who may later miscarry.

Live births per embryo transfer

This figure is the percentage of women who have a baby after one embryo transfer procedure. The figure can vary depending on whether it relates to an embryo transfer after hormone stimulation or an embryo transfer of a frozen/thawed embryo.

The number of IVF attempts

The number of IVF attempts also affects the chance of success. While IVF treatment is physically, psychologically and financially demanding, for most people, the ultimate chance of having a baby increases for each additional cycle (at least up to five attempts).

Cancelling cycles

Some clinics will cancel egg collection if a low number of eggs develop as the number of eggs collected predicts success rates. Clinics which cancel egg collections with low numbers of eggs are likely to have a higher success rate.

Questions to ask your IVF specialist

  • Considering your circumstances and medical history, what chance of having a baby can you expect?
  • What is the clinic's chance of a baby per started stimulated treatment cycle?
  • What is the clinic's chance of success for women of your age?
  • What proportion of women in your age-group have embryos available for freezing after a stimulated treatment cycle?
  • What is the cumulative chance of having a baby for a woman of your age if she has three stimulated treatment cycles?

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TIP: what to read on our blog next: Learn more about Fertility treatment in Hungary by 2022.



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